Sunday, August 09, 2009

Gen Con Blog 2009

I'm headed to Gen Con Indy in a couple of days. Taking both the Flip video camera and the new Nikon P6000 to document, and hopefully with the netbook we just got I'll be able to post to this blog (follow tag: gencon). This is our first ever trip to Gen Con. I've heard about it for the last 18 years, but never been.

My plan is to arrive at the convention center on Wednesday at about 2:00 pm. Google maps puts the trip at 3 hours 52 mins, so we'll have to leave at about 10:00 am. I'm eager to get registered and take a look around the place. I hear there are pick-up games throughout the day on Wednesday.

First thing Thursday morning I want to be at booth #2312, Paizo Publishing, to be sure I get a copy of the Pathfinder Role Playing Game rulebook. After that, I'm pretty open to experiencing the convention as it comes. I didn't sign up for any games beforehand, but what I'll be looking for will be Pathfinder Society games, maybe looking for the A Game of Thrones roleplaying game (maybe called A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying) by Green Ronin, since I'm reading that book right now.

I'll be going with my semi-gamer, full-on knitter wife, Desi. She is very much looking forward to the craft session, and is just this minute trying to get a dice bag made out of wire and beads knitted for me in time for our trip.

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