Saturday, July 02, 2011

Quick and Dirty 2x4 Project for My Mom

Away from home visiting my mom and she needed an adjustment to her chair to make it higher. She's fresh out of surgery and until her leg heals she's going to have a hard time getting in and out of normal chairs. So, a quick trip down to Lowe's and a few minutes of fiddling and presto, her chair is a little better than five inches taller.

Not a lot to say about this except that the iPad and iPhone came in handy, as always. Used the iPhone to take pictures of my measurements as visual notes. Transferred the photos over to the iPad via "Camera for iPad" app. Drew up a quick plan in Adobe Ideas on the iPad to work out the measurements and get a count on the hardware. The plan came in handy at Lowe's when I had them cut most of the pieces to spec for me. I love that they cut stuff for me. The idea I had about using the tie-down tape worked out neatly, which made me happy. The only thing I wish I'd done differently is pack a hack saw or a Dremel to take care the long nails I used when at the last minute I added a support sticking out the back of the frame when I started thinking the higher center of gravity might be dangerous if she reclined.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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