My 3 Pi + 0.14159265 for the case.
element14 delivered my third and last --for now-- Raspberry Pi. Now it's time to get down and dirty with the experiments.
What I've learned so far is that the audio is a challenge to set up. Some HDMI displays need a little help, and that when it comes to video, the hardware is willing, but the software is weak.
As you can see I found a case I could print on the RepRap, though it took me a few tries with adjustments to the scad file to get it to fit right.
The Raspberry Pi community is coming through with some awesome support, notably a fan magazine called MagPi. They're working on their third issue already.
My next objective is to do something with the GPIO pins. The MagPi is going to help out there since its the subject of a lengthy article in the 2nd issue.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad